Truth W. Hawk

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This isn't about "make it or break it," "use it or lose it," "love it or leave it." It's about improvising improvements.

WHEN SHIT GOES WRONG, like something falling through or going to pot or breaking or getting totaled, rolling with it often leads to an improvement of circumstances; the replacement of the old with something new and better (not just different), something that shows a greater refinement of choices in one's life. A new opportunity for growth and evolution, for transcendence and promotion. 

Its not just about going with the flow, it's not just about improvisation; it's improve-isation: the act of improving your life. Making the upgrade that often comes to us after a period of things falling away, breaking or in the wake of crushing disappointments: a better home, a newer car, a more loving partner, a more embracing community, a healthier body, a more rewarding job, a more purposeful life, a brighter future.

This isn't about "make it or break it," "use it or lose it," "love it or leave it." It's about improvising improvements.

It's the tap dance of IMPROVE-isation.


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